Happy anniversary Grandma and Grandpa Whalen! We’ve had many Gm and Gp Whalen’s of course, but this particular anniversary message regards Leta Mary Clarke and Charles Clarke Whalen, married 136 years ago today. Grandma Whalen mentioned her anniversary in her 1937 diary listing.
“Tuesday, March 16, 1937 Married 45 yrs today. Ella & 3 children home for visit. Albert & Jim & Lora came in eve. Got beautiful flowers & candy and other gifts. Snowed all day & night.”
I’ve been working on the Roswell Clarke family (Leta Clarke’s grandfather) non-stop for the past few days and last night dreamed that Grandma Whalen was visiting me, showing me places and helping me sort. I dreamed too that a young version of Charlie (Charles Howard Whalen, my brother and patron saint of this genealogy gal) visited and we hugged and hugged and hugged. When I awoke from my dream my arms were still crossed and hugging though Charlie was no longer there of course.
Were these actual visits, or was I doing genealogy in my sleep? Who can know for sure, but it was this morning that I remembered Grandma’s wedding anniversary. I think she was giving me a little nudge.
LWS – 16 March 2018